Elenco dei Podcast Italiani – Italian Podcast Directory

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Numero totale di podcast: 1889 di cui attivi (un episodio nell'utltimo mese): 166
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Tag (categoria) selezionata: Tutti
Tags (categorie) principali: Tutti (1889), Arte (207), Audioblog (94), Cinema (45), Cucina (28), Economia (117), Fantascienza (22), Fotografia (11), Giochi (22), Intrattenimento (48), Istruzione (175), Libri (76), Musica (367), Notizie (202), Politica (405), Religione (71), Salute (42), Scienze (60), Sport (85), Tecnologia (182), Televisione (12), Turismo (18)
Tags (categorie) popolari: Società (343), Radio (209), Commedia (177), Tv (100), Podcast (81), Cultura (73), Letteratura (67), Hobbies (56), Podcasting (56), Interviste (43), Recitazione (38), Svizzera (38), Cristianesimo (37), Scienza (34), History (32), Cinematv (30), IstruzioneSuperiore (30), Ragazzi (30), Radicale (25), Poesia (24)
Tags (categorie): Tecnologia

This is a podcast on building software products and technology organisations. We discuss methodologies, frameworks, organisational dynamics, leadership and more.

We are Marco and Alessandro, senior technology leaders who have worked with software product organisations of any size, from startups to scale ups to established enterprises. We will take you with us on a continuous improvement journey.

Acid Trumpet by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https:/ / incompetech.filmmusic.io/ song/ 3340-acid-trumpet
License: http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/ by/ 4.0/
Autore: Marco Ziccardi - Alessandro Diaferia
Ultimo episodio: 27/02/24 11:28

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